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Quaranteam ARC Review Team

Thanks so much for wanting to be a part of my debut novel’s release! To secure your spot please fill out the form below. If you have any questions please feel free to contact me.  Stay tuned for a release and review timeline.

Please provide your full legal first name.
Please provide your full legal last name.
Please provide a valid e-mail address.
Provide the URL to your Amazon review profile page.
Provide the URL to your Goodreads profile page. If you do not review on Goodreads, please put N/A.
Provide the URL to your Bookbub profile page. If you do not review on Bookbub, please put N/A.
By accepting this ARC, do you agree in to post your spoiler-free review to at least two online locations such as Goodreads, Amazon, Apple Books and other platforms such as Bookbub as early as the Pre-Order launch date, but no later than five days after Release Day?
If you determine after reading that you will be rating the story below a three star rating, we ask that you please alert the author to give them a heads up. Do you agree?
Do you understand ARCs are not to be shared and are used for review purposes only? By accepting any ARCs, you agree you will not share this copyrighted material.
You acknowledge that ARC copies are not the final copy and may contain errors. The author would love to know about any that you find. Do you agree to alert the author of any errors and also that your review will not reflect these?